Therapeutic Services
Therapeutic Visitation
Therapeutic visitation is a safe and structured supervised visitation for non-custodial parents and their children. The visits are supervised by a skilled licensed mental health professional who can provide appropriate education and intervene in real time to foster and in some cases improve the parent/child relationship.
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to Therapeutic Visitation, please click here.
Reunification Therapy
Reunification Therapy is a treatment focused on reestablishing and/or improving a parent-child relationship. This type of therapy is most often used after a parents’ extended absence or if there is a history of abuse that the child was victim or witness to. Reunification therapy provides a safe environment for the parent and the child to explore their fears and concerns and begin to rebuild their relationship.
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to Reunification Visitation, please click here.
Parent Coaching
Parent Coaching allows an attorney to retain a psychologist to work as a parent consultant within the confines of the legal privileges associated with an attorney and his/her client. The psychologist assists the attorney and his/her client in developing an atmosphere, which allows the parent to meet the psycho-legal challenges associated with the family court process. This service focuses on assisting the parent in working constructively with the attorney. No reports or comments regarding parenting capacity are produced and the psychologist assumes a purely consultative, and not a therapeutic or evaluative role.
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to Parent Coaching, please click here.
Parent Management Training (PMT)
PMT is an evidence-based short-term treatment that teaches parents skills for managing challenging child behaviors (e.g., noncompliance, tantrums, aggression). A detailed history is recorded, and strategies are created for tackling your child’s specific behaviors. Progress is recorded on a week to week basis and support is available in between sessions via telephone and email.
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to Parent Management Training(PMT), please click here.
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
PCIT is a well-researched and effective short-term treatment for young children with behavioral issues. Caregivers are taught advanced skills for managing challenging behaviors. Caregivers are then coached to use these skills during live interactive sessions with their child. Caregivers learn strategies to help their child accept their limits, comply with directions, respect house rules, and demonstrate appropriate behavior in public.
With consistent attendance and homework completion, PCIT can be completed within 12-20 sessions. Treatment is considered complete when skills are mastered and the child’s behavior at home is rated to be within normal limits on a behavior rating scale.
Proper training is fundamental to delivering effective PCIT. A list of certified PCIT providers can be found here.
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to Parent-Child Interation Therapy (PCIT), please click here.
School Consultation and Teacher Child Interaction Therapy (TCIT)
A large proportion of a child’s time is spent at school. Ongoing behavioral issues can often negatively impact social and academic progress. A school consultation is aimed at identifying the factors that may be maintaining a child’s behavioral issues at school, developing strategies to improve behavior, and increasing teacher-parent collaboration. Live classroom observations are sometimes used as a mean of collecting invaluable data about your child in his or her classroom.
Teacher-Child Interaction Therapy is a well-researched and effective short-term treatment for teachers of young children with behavioral issues. Teachers are taught strategies aimed at increasing desired behaviors and reducing undesired behaviors (e.g., defiance, talking back, aggression, etc.). Teachers are provided coaching as they master the use of these skills in the classroom. Coaching is focused on a specific child; however, the strategies are effective for managing most students’ behavior.
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to School Consultation and Teacher Child Interaction Therapy (TCIT), please click here.
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)
TF-CBT is an evidence-based treatment designed to help children, adolescents, and their families in overcoming the negative impact of trauma. TF-CBT is sensitive to the mood and behavioral changes that can often occur in youth after being exposed to a single or multiple traumatic events (e.g., physical and sexual abuse, neglect, exposure to violence, etc.)
Cognitive behavioral strategies are implemented to identify and modify distorted thoughts that lead to depressed and anxious mood and behavioral issues. Family participation with non-offending caregivers presents an opportunity to examine family dynamics and create a system of support that will extend beyond the end of treatment.
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), please click here.
General Psychotherapy
We offer psychotherapeutic services for individuals and couples seeking support with stress management, anxiety, depression, grief, relationship difficulties, and many other issues. We employ research-based principles to maximize treatment outcome and work collaborative to establish a tailored treatment plan to meet your goals.”
To schedule an appointment for an evaluation related to General Psychotherapy, please click here.